Wednesday 25 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Maybe just a relaxing week, or an entire adventure among unreachable places, summer holidays are the best time to do things that you like, with people that you want to be there.

In my case, I’ve not planned my holidays yet, but there is a thing that I will like to do and is going out the country. I’ve never been in other countries, and an opportunity of doing that, for me, will be amazing at all.

I’ll like to visit Latin America at all, going from the north of Chile and reaching the south of Mexico. But the first place that I want to visit, and I’ll love to do it, is Cuba.

The idyllic landscapes and beautiful ocean typical of the Caribbean are an incredible combination to visit. And adding that I like the history of the country and that I want to learn about it (especially about the Cold-War-Cuba) makes me an entire scenario to be.

The friend’s parents were there, and they delight me with all the stories about the country, about Habana and Santiago, about the people and all. Since that moment I decided that I want to visit Cuba.

And I will be done that, but there are two few troubles to do it. First and most obviously is money, because a travel there is all instead of cheap. But that can be easily solved; the big trouble is finding people ready to travel. I have found some people, but I think that is not enough.

Nevertheless, in a point, it will be trouble no more, and we will be on the plane thinking about what we will do first.
Personally, the first day I will find a place to stay, not a hotel or an expensive place, with luxury and all, just a little, humble and warm house. After resting start the real entertainment.

Visits all over the country, a few museums, and some beaches will be the main base for the holidays.A drink in the evening and some parties will be too a good idea.

Carnival times are too a beautiful time to travel, and in my plans are to travel this country in January of 2019, because La Habana reaches the 500 years!!! And will be a celebration all the year, so that’s a great time to be there.

An extra of the visit and I think that is important to tell about, is the recent disaster that has lashed the country and that I will like to help the island, reconstruction or maybe encourage the resident people.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Post Graduate Titles

A professional grade may be enough to make some tasks, but in this actual system, and considering necessities of the people, specialties, and postgraduate studies are almost an exigency.

In my personal case, I want to have one (maybe more) of these grades.

In the future, I want to work with graphene (an allotrope of carbon), so I’ll take the organic chemistry Ph.D. course. For me, graphene is an important material that’s not totally used, in all its power, and it’s so hard to extract, so I’ll like to help or invent a way to extract or produce it, so it can be used in great scale.

My motivation to this is that will make life easier to live, production of energy, protection, and warm-clothing will be trouble no more. And because of its properties, can be used in almost all the things that you can see, and with no idea that it’s there, is so amazing!!!

Maybe, after this first Ph.D., I’ll want to have the pharmacist grade and get a Ph.D. in that too. I like that career and unify chemistry and pharmacy, for me, is an excellent idea, all the knowledge of that subject may be applied in many fields.

All this is in the R&D because I want to have any others courses. In literature, for example, I’ll like to have a diploma or maybe a master degree, I don’t know why, but I love to write and read, so it will help to develop that areas.

In Chile, I think that the Ph.D. or masters are not completely hard. I’ll like to take these courses in other countries, with special knowledge about the subject, like Germany, UK or Ireland. The USA may be a good choice too, but I think that not all knowledge is gathered in that country, also these others are the best qualified to teach chemistry and its derivatives.
An amazing extra date: A square meter of graphene weights 0.77 mg.