Wednesday 15 November 2017

English Language Challenges

English started at beginning of year, with the test. I failed some questions and I knew I had to take English in University.

Since there I waited, I had to take English 4, so the first semester I was relaxed in that way, but starting the second semester I knew the end will begin.

I imagined that the experience of taking the course will be the same that in the secondary school, a teacher just doing a class, with a lot of guides helping him/her, teaching some terms, grammatical times and a better grammar in general; and sometimes it was like that, but not ever, there is a difference between the two kind of English-teaching, and was the blogs, or the simple fact of a laboratory of English, were you had to write A LOT!

Blogs were not bad, and sometimes I have to admit that I entertained, but in general, I think that there is to improve the category of blogs, with maybe a free-election blog or something like that. All the other things I see that are well thought, but I have to recognize that a lot of times I was exhausted in the classes, and I fell asleep, and maybe a more interactive class will mend this for good.
But all this, all the semester, a little bit of the content of classes and exercise with pronunciation helped me a lot.

The other day someone called me home, and his voice sounded like an English-speaker. Summarizing he was wrong with the number but was nice to know that I can communicate with another person that knows the language.

But I think that the best help of learning English is the search results. The best results or at least the majority of them are in English, and not dominate that language means that you have to minimize your search at Spanish search results, that in many cases can be a little bit.

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