Friday 29 September 2017

Future Job

Once I thought that jobs might be the one that you want, the subject that you love and that is easy to you. But the reality is that most of the times, you only have to conform with what the world offers to you.

But, thinking about you will have a job that you love, I can talk about the jobs I’ll like to have.
First of all, I’ll like to work in what I’m studying: chemistry. The research labs of medicinal chemistry, working in a lab, with other chemists, biochemist, and pharmacists, creating medicine, researching proteins, its functions, and how to make better the lives of the people using the medicine. 

And I’ll like too to research about new kinds of energy, based mainly in graphene research, and how to make and use it, because of its properties, subject that I’ve already read of but that I, honestly don’t understand.

These jobs, obviously, are developed in a laboratory, and with minimum contact with the outdoor world.

Another job that I’ll like to have is a writer. Is so different with the before named, but is one that I’ve been developing with the years because I wrote in the close past and I’ll like to keep doing it. Maybe I can continue writing but as a hobby.

The problem is that the research jobs are difficult to find in Chile, and I’ve heard that are not well paid. The salary that I’ll like is about $700.000 CLP, one that will help me to maintain a simple house and for me alone. In a future, and with family, this salary might not be enough, but that is getting ahead a lot.

I will love to travel, and in all the countries that I can help with my knowledge, I’ll love to be.

But I think that the chemist major could not be enough to this, I’ll like to obtain the pharmacist major too, to teach people about medicines, how to administrate it and how to make with plants if they live in the rural zone and/or with no access to a hospital.

Wednesday 13 September 2017


In my personal appreciation, hobbies are an important part of our lives. We can be distracted because of hobbies, and relax us, keep the mind occupied and in work.

I don’t have impressive hobbies, I’ve to say, are the typical hobbies of a teenager, playing games, or how people call now: gaming, and watch series or movies. But the fact is, that are my hobbies, and I really love it.

Platform of movies and series

Well, they don’t need so much explain. Playing games consist in that, just take a control and play like the game itself says to do. And watch series or movies consist, for me, in lie down on the bed, or the sofa, it depends, take my phone, my notebook, or the television, and put Netflix to see movies or some series.

My hobbies are so important for me because they keep my mind occupied and working, and I enjoy living other realities, and watching other points of view of life, like in a movie or a documental.

I love doing this kind of things. Gaming free me and, according to a study that I read, can be good for the eye-hand coordination. And some games teach you, like Assassins Creed, where you can learn a little history and geographic, thing that is funny.
Game that I played when I had 7 years old
I had it since I had 13, maybe a little sooner, but it was impressive because my cousin showed me how to search series online, and well, I didn’t stop. And gaming, well, I really don’t remember, because I play games since I was like 5 years old, so it exceeds even my memories.

When I was a kid I don’t really had hobbies, I just played, and I think that that is what I can consider my hobby in my childhood.

One of my favorite series
I love hobbies, that’s a fact and I think I let it so expressed in my words, but I really think that there are hobbies that is impossible to me to maintain. Collect things, for example, is what will be so difficult for me, so I really cannot do it, because sometimes I don’t have enough passion doing things, and searching things to collect, for me, is a boring thing to do.

And in the future, keep my actual hobbies may be seen as a waste of time and people may think that I’m immature. So maybe I should have to change my hobbies, I may dedicate to photograph (I will do it, but I don’t have a camera), or doing sport or something like that.

Haha, lie. I will never change my actual hobbies because I love them with all my heart, but that doesn’t mean that I will let pass the opportunity of taking photographs of doing sport. Hobbies will multiply.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Amazing system

I have a friend that is cursing a career related with health, and the last semester she took a curse that’s a pain in the ass for all the students: Anatomy. She told me about her curse and I understand that the human body is more complex than we all think. An interesting part of this is the fact that I thought the muscular system is a simple one, but I can’t be more wrong.

You can walk and talk with your friend while you are eating something, think about all the movements and all the muscles you’re moving, all these actions are regulated by the muscular system, just think about it, the exact moment that you’re reading this, this system is working hard to keep you, even, alive.

But not many people know all the functions that this system can have, and there are really amazing ones. Physiologic-state information, for example, when you have renal colic, the contraction of the smooth muscle is a sign that you’re having one. Or the known functions, like the motion, mimic, posture, shape, stability, among others.

And is because of all its functions and its presence in all body that can suffer a lot of illnesses, since the simplest, like the cramps, sprains and tears, to the complex ones: muscular dystrophy, compartmental syndrome, the myasthenia gravis, or even (a hard-spelling one) the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive.
If you don’t want to have these illnesses you’ve to take care of this system by health-eating, exercise, rest and stretching.

So, love your muscular system, love your body, because it’s a very complex one.