Friday 29 September 2017

Future Job

Once I thought that jobs might be the one that you want, the subject that you love and that is easy to you. But the reality is that most of the times, you only have to conform with what the world offers to you.

But, thinking about you will have a job that you love, I can talk about the jobs I’ll like to have.
First of all, I’ll like to work in what I’m studying: chemistry. The research labs of medicinal chemistry, working in a lab, with other chemists, biochemist, and pharmacists, creating medicine, researching proteins, its functions, and how to make better the lives of the people using the medicine. 

And I’ll like too to research about new kinds of energy, based mainly in graphene research, and how to make and use it, because of its properties, subject that I’ve already read of but that I, honestly don’t understand.

These jobs, obviously, are developed in a laboratory, and with minimum contact with the outdoor world.

Another job that I’ll like to have is a writer. Is so different with the before named, but is one that I’ve been developing with the years because I wrote in the close past and I’ll like to keep doing it. Maybe I can continue writing but as a hobby.

The problem is that the research jobs are difficult to find in Chile, and I’ve heard that are not well paid. The salary that I’ll like is about $700.000 CLP, one that will help me to maintain a simple house and for me alone. In a future, and with family, this salary might not be enough, but that is getting ahead a lot.

I will love to travel, and in all the countries that I can help with my knowledge, I’ll love to be.

But I think that the chemist major could not be enough to this, I’ll like to obtain the pharmacist major too, to teach people about medicines, how to administrate it and how to make with plants if they live in the rural zone and/or with no access to a hospital.


  1. the majority of us want to work in Medical chemistry I think.

  2. Learn everything that is on your hand, it will help you on your career and life !

  3. all the things we can have it slow but safe. I like your idea of serve to the people who live in rural zone ññ I hope that you can finish your career with honors<3

  4. I wish there were more opportunities for research jobs and science, that's not related to health, in general...

  5. Researcher or writer, I think it is good to have varied options for the future.

  6. You have a lot of talent in the art of write !

  7. this sounds amazing, best of luck
