Wednesday 6 September 2017

Amazing system

I have a friend that is cursing a career related with health, and the last semester she took a curse that’s a pain in the ass for all the students: Anatomy. She told me about her curse and I understand that the human body is more complex than we all think. An interesting part of this is the fact that I thought the muscular system is a simple one, but I can’t be more wrong.

You can walk and talk with your friend while you are eating something, think about all the movements and all the muscles you’re moving, all these actions are regulated by the muscular system, just think about it, the exact moment that you’re reading this, this system is working hard to keep you, even, alive.

But not many people know all the functions that this system can have, and there are really amazing ones. Physiologic-state information, for example, when you have renal colic, the contraction of the smooth muscle is a sign that you’re having one. Or the known functions, like the motion, mimic, posture, shape, stability, among others.

And is because of all its functions and its presence in all body that can suffer a lot of illnesses, since the simplest, like the cramps, sprains and tears, to the complex ones: muscular dystrophy, compartmental syndrome, the myasthenia gravis, or even (a hard-spelling one) the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive.
If you don’t want to have these illnesses you’ve to take care of this system by health-eating, exercise, rest and stretching.

So, love your muscular system, love your body, because it’s a very complex one.


  1. very sensual pictures jajaja good post

  2. I love my muscles only when they're relaxed while I'm lying on my bed :v joke jaja I like walk a lot so I'm taking care of them<3

  3. Muscle injuries are very painful, it makes it difficult to other activities since the muscle are related.
